You Said Yes

You said "yes" to Jesus. It's the most important decision you can make, and you've probably asked yourself:  'What's next?!" We've put together a few resources you can use to get started on your walk with Jesus. Remember, we're not called to walk this life alone. If you'd like to connect with someone to talk more about your decision to follow Christ, fill out the Connect Card below!

How do I start my new life with Jesus?

Inside this little book, you’ll discover more about what your decision to follow Jesus means. Each day will include daily thoughts from the Bible and ideas to try for yourself. Together, we’ll answer questions like “what does this mean,” “what should I do,” and “what does this change?” Our hope is that this tool can provide guidance as you begin your journey of following Jesus.

This book is organized into 21 days, but feel free to go at the pace that best helps you grow. You might finish this book in 100 days, 21 days, or a week. You might even keep reading it over and over. Finishing the book is less important than finding direction, growing in confidence, and starting conversations with others about what you’re learning.

Following Jesus is a process of taking next steps, one day at
a time. We’re thrilled to join you!
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We would love to get to know you better, and thank you for taking a few minutes to connect with us. Please fill out the simple form, and let us know a little about you and/or your family.