Spiritual Vision

Understanding Spiritual Vision: A Journey from Blindness to Clarity


Welcome to Community Culture Church! Today, we delve into a powerful message about spiritual vision, inspired by the story of Jesus healing a blind man in Mark 8. This sermon challenges us to examine our own spiritual blindness and seek a deeper, clearer vision through Jesus Christ. Let's explore the key points and life applications from this transformative message.

What is Spiritual Blindness?

Recognizing Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual blindness is not as easily identifiable as physical blindness. It manifests in our inability to grasp the importance of spiritual moments, understand eternal truths, or value God's love fully. Proverbs 29:18 warns us that without spiritual vision, we stumble through life. The first step to overcoming spiritual blindness is recognizing its presence in our lives.

The Importance of Admitting Blindness

Admitting our spiritual blindness is crucial. Just as the blind man in Mark 8 had to acknowledge his partial vision to receive complete healing, we must confess our spiritual shortcomings to God. This humility opens the door for Jesus to touch us again and restore our spiritual sight.

The Role of Community in Spiritual Vision

Why Community is Essential

Community plays a vital role in correcting our spiritual vision. Proverbs 13:20 emphasizes the importance of walking with the wise to become wise. Just as the blind man needed friends to bring him to Jesus, we need a supportive community to guide us towards spiritual clarity.

Sharing and Learning Together

In community, we share our stories, learn from each other, and grow together. This collective journey helps us see the bigger picture of God's work in our lives and the world. Engaging in community groups and serving alongside others sharpens our spiritual vision and strengthens our faith.

The Need for a Second Touch

Jesus' Repeated Touch

The story of the blind man in Mark 8 teaches us that sometimes, we need a second touch from Jesus to see clearly. Even after a salvation experience, areas of our lives may remain cloudy. Seeking a second touch from Jesus can bring clarity and renewed vision.

Examples of Second Touches in Scripture

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals needing a second touch from Jesus. Peter, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and doubting Thomas all experienced moments where Jesus had to touch them again to open their spiritual eyes fully. This ongoing process of seeking Jesus' touch is essential for our spiritual growth.

Applying the Message to Our Lives

This week, let's challenge ourselves to seek a second touch from Jesus. Reflect on areas of your life where your vision is cloudy and ask Jesus to bring clarity. Engage with your community, share your struggles, and support each other in this journey towards spiritual vision.

Questions for Reflection

1. Are there areas in your life where you feel spiritually blind or unclear?
2. How can you admit and address these areas with humility and openness to Jesus' touch?
3. In what ways can you engage more deeply with your community to support your spiritual growth?


Spiritual vision is a journey that requires humility, community, and a willingness to seek Jesus' touch repeatedly. As we navigate this path, let's support each other, share our stories, and continually seek clarity through Jesus Christ. May this message inspire you to pursue a deeper, clearer vision in your walk with God.

Thank you for joining us at Community Culture Church. We hope this summary helps you understand and apply the powerful message of spiritual vision in your life. If you have any questions or need support, please reach out to our community. Let's continue to grow together in faith and clarity.